Turmeric-Roasted Carrots with Seeds and Labne


I love a good roasted carrot, don’t you? If you’re like me, you almost always have a bag of carrots on hand. And if you’re like me, you also typically wait until they’re about to go bad to consider eating them. The carrots usually sit hidden in a drawer, and then one day I’ll catch a glimpse of orange and realize that if I don’t act fast, I’ll lose the whole bunch to old age. When these situations arise, I almost always place them on sheet pan, turn the oven to 450, cover the carrots with olive oil and various spices, and roast them until tender. If we don’t eat them all for dinner, I have the leftovers for lunch with whatever else I’m eating that day. 

Alison treats her carrots the same way. Exactly the same, in fact. Here she prefers to use turmeric, coriander seed, and fennel seed as seasonings of choice. But the beauty of carrots is that they pair well with so many different spices! Most often I choose cumin. Sometimes smoked paprika and chile powder. I liked this particular combo that Alison uses, especially the seeds, which are fun to bite into. 

Alison also loves some good dairy mixed with lemon and garlic to go with her veggies. I’ve noticed it’s kind of her thing. And you might notice that I chose to skip that here. While I could have gone with some goat’s milk yogurt for my base instead of labne, I had a particularly discouraging episode with dairy the night before, and let’s just say my body would not have thanked me for giving it more. Sometimes, ya gotta call an audible and listen to your body’s cues. 

If you have a bag of carrots in your fridge, don’t neglect them. Cherish them. Give them the oil and spices they deserve and heat them up until your fork can’t help but pierce one. And then another. And another. 

122 recipes cooked, 103 to go.