Cucumbers and Kohlrabi in Crunchy Chili Oil by Alison Roman

I tried to structure this project around produce seasonality. Which worked out, some of the time. For example, kohlrabi is available year round, but according to the internet, it “shines” in the winter. Kohlrabi is underrated, and therefore, harder to find. I was lucky to score one at Whole Foods. 

Kohlrabi surprised me. Its mild flavor – sweet and slightly peppery – and wet texture resembled a crossover between a turnip and a beet. Though its appearance resembles an alien head, it tastes familiar. I can imagine it would blend in well with many salads, and would probably be a great candidate for pickling. 

This recipe is simple – shaved kohlrabi, paired with cucumber ribbons, tossed in rice vinegar and sea salt, and drizzled with Alison’s Crunchy Chili Oil, which really makes the salad sing. The oil is a combination of Aleppo pepper (or red pepper flakes), sesame seeds, and black peppercorns (or Sichuan peppercorns if you can handle them) sizzled in oil over low heat. Alison tells us this oil can always be found in her fridge, and now I see why. It’s adds texture and heat without overpowering anything. It’s a more versatile version of hot sauce. It can carry the flavor or just embellish the flavor depending on what you add it to. Plus, it’s easy to make and keeps for a month in the fridge. 

To me, the word that best describes this salad is “refreshing.” I look forward to making it next summer when it’s hot outside. 

196 recipes cooked, 29 to go.