Cripsy Kimchi and Cheddar Omelette by Alison Roman

Lately, I’ve come home from long days at work and felt like I have very little energy left to cook, much less write about my cooking. It has nothing to do with a lack of desire – I’m genuinely interested in cooking. I long to do it! And yet, my body, my mind, my heart feel so tired. It’s true that cooking often gives me energy and life; but not in this season. I just want to sit on my couch and feel mesmerized by the cars that fly by on the Dan Ryan Expressway. 

Last night, I came home from the train station, got dressed in my workout clothes, and walked to an exercise class. I know I just said I don’t have energy, but sometimes my mind can forget that and override feelings of exhaustion for just the amount of minutes it takes to get from my apartment to the gym. Once I’m at the gym, I might as well take the class. You get it. 

After I returned home, I had even less energy to cook dinner. So what did I make? Breakfast food. An omelette with cheddar and kimchi. All it took was beating several eggs, topping them with shredded goat’s milk cheddar and chopped quick kimchi, and then frying it in an even layer in a large pan. Since I made the kimchi the night before, the whole process took a total of ten minutes. And wow, it was delicious. 

Alison nails the ratio of egg to cheese to kimchi, so none of the ingredients dominates the dish. Each one plays an equally important role in flavor and texture. As I mentioned before, the quick kimchi is rather mild. Which in this recipe, works well so as not to overpower. I love a good runny egg, and Alison suggests frying the bottom while keeping it runny on top. You can cook it longer if you want to, but the eggs could quickly turn hard and rubbery. This omelette paired really well with ketchup. The heat from the kimchi makes hot sauce unnecessary. 

142 recipes cooked, 83 to go.
